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Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Six Steps to Focusing on Your Dreams

Have you ever heard or read that in order to achieve your dreams you have to focus on them? It certainly sounds easy enough. But if that is the case, then why do people have such a hard time doing it? Maybe it is because people do not really understand the full meaning of the word focus. Let us take a look at the definition.

Focus: To bring to into focus or make clear� focusing a camera.

To concentrate - to focus one's thoughts.

Obviously there are two parts to focusing. First you must clarify, and then you must concentrate. But how do you do this? Let me give you a couple of steps for each.

Step 1. Clarification Know your dream

You must know specifically what you want the end result to be. Do not worry about how you are going to get there. Just simply get a clear picture in your mind of what it is that you want and how it is going to feel once you have achieved your dream. If there is a car that you want, then go test-drive it. If there is a house for sale that you want, then go to an open house. Do whatever you can to make sure you have that clear picture in your head.

Step 2. Clarification Know why you want your dream

Once you have that clear picture in your head for what you want, then you need to look inside yourself and figure out why you want this particular dream. This will help you when times are dark and you need to remember the reason that you are going through what you need to in order to achieve your dream.

Step 3. Concentration See your dream

Every day, take at least five to ten minutes to close your eyes and imagine yourself as you would be having already achieved your dream. Imagine how it would feel and what would be different. Make it as real as possible. Really get to know what it will feel like once you are living your dream. Do not just imagine it, but feel it as well.

Step 4. Concentration Work towards your dream

Do something every day that will help you progress towards your dream. This can be just about anything. If you do not know where to start, then use this time to research your dream. In this day and age there is always a way to get information. If time is an issue for you, then look at how you spend it. Do you watch television? Get a video course that will help your towards your dream. Do you play video games? Use your computer to instead find information on how to achieve your dream. What kind of books are you reading? Instead of fantasies or romance novels, try reading a book about your dream. If you only spent thirty minutes each day working towards your dream, you would be amazed how far you could go.

Step 5. Concentration Be persistent and consistent

You can do every single one of the four steps above, but if you only do them once, it will make no difference. If you do them only occasionally or when you feel like it, you will make little if any progress and most likely become quickly discouraged. You must be consistent with these steps, following them daily, and you must be persistent with these steps, following them until you succeed.

Step 6. Concentration Live your dream

As you work towards your dream, you will almost always find negative people. The most common of these people are well meaning friends and family who care about you and do not want to see you fail. The only thing that they do not realize is that failure is a part of success. You will fall down as you reach for your dreams. Just realize that this is part of the journey and get back up and keep going. When friends or family make their feelings known, thank them for their concerns and let them know that you appreciate it. Then get back to making your dream a reality. The best gift you can give someone is to show by your own example that you really can live your dreams.

Follow these steps and see just how great and wondrous life can be. If you are not sure about things, then do a thirty-day test. If you truly follow these steps for thirty days, then just watch how much closer your dreams truly become. It will not be easy. No new habit is. But let me ask you then, are your dreams worth it?

Good. Then go for it. Reach for that dream!

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